The Latest Episodes of INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet
Oct. 29, 2021

PASSION Is The SECRET SAUCE Of Life - What Are You Going To Add It To?

PASSION Is The SECRET SAUCE Of Life - What Are You Going To Add It To?

Today's episode is just me and you talking about my favorite topic of all time: passion. 

A question that I like to ask when I first meet someone is: "what juices you?" "what drives you?" "what EXCITES you?". I think their answer says a lot about a person. What are you passionate about? Passion is the secret sauce of life. Sprinkle some passion on anything and BAM it immediately gets taken to the next level. If you're passionate about your job, all of a sudden it doesn't feel so much like a job anymore. Throw some passion into a relationship, especially one that may have plateaued.... and oh man, you better hang on if you know what I mean. Starting today, start putting some of that secret sauce on your life!


Here! We! Go! Thank you so much for being with us for another solo episode. I say this with a great deal of love and respect for all of the guests I’ve had, but these kind of podcast episodes are my favorite kind, because we get to hang out one on one like this. Based on all of the amazing feedback from our last one, which was the “What are you waiting for” episode, it seems that you really enjoy these too.

So I think it only makes sense that we start doing these maybe a little more often. I don’t really have a schedule, maybe twice a month, maybe once a week, you let me know! Don’t worry, the interviews are not going anywhere, I just love the opportunity to hang out with you one on one. So if there’s something you want to hear, send me a message… either on Twitter or Instagram or shoot me an email, it’s

Where it begins:

So if you haven’t noticed, I like to ask a lot of questions. It’s kinda part of my job, but I’m also a naturally curious person, I always have been. I feel that Tony Robbins nails it when it said the quality of your life is a direct result of the quality of the questions you ask. Perhaps we should do a full episode on that topic? Everything you have in your life is the result of a conversation that you did or did not have with somebody. If you don’t ask, the answer is always going to be no. But a question that I like to ask when I first meet someone is: “What juices you?” “What drives you?” “What EXCITES you?” I think their answer says a lot about that person. I’m sure right now “What juices me?” “What excites me?”

What are you passionate about?

Passion is the secret sauce of life. Sprinkle some passion on anything and BAM! It immediately gets taken to the next level. If you’re passionate about your job, all of a sudden it doesn’t feel so much like a job anymore.
Throw some passion into a relationship, especially one that may have plateaued…. and oh man, you better hang on if you know what I mean.

But there are so many people who are living with zero passion… for anything. Perhaps I am speaking directly to you. I love this quote from Helen Keller who famously wrote “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” Or NOTHING at all! In other words, if you’re not on this daring adventure that life has for you, you’re not even living. I’m not saying you need to go out and quit your job and start filling your day with the thing that you love, but what I am saying is you need to start being intentional about doing the things in your life that really light you up.

If you love art…. make time every day, even if it’s just for 5 minutes to draw or paint. If you love baseball, why has it been so long since you threw a baseball or played in a league? And If you love comedy, start writing down some material and without telling anyone, go on stage at an open mic and do it, inject that passion into your life.
Start feeding those things that make you feel so good when you do them. Those are the things that put a smile on your face no matter what’s going on in your day, it’s always going to light you up.
Now I know what you’re going to say. “But CVV, I don’t have time for that!” Really? But you have time to watch all 9 episodes of Squid Game?!

For all the “I’m too busy people” by the way, have you ever done a time audit of your day? A lot of people say they work 10 or 12 hours a day, but if you were to sit down and actually write out what you do each day, I bet we could find a whole lot of free time where you’re really just scrolling on social media or sending stupid memes to your buddy. Nothing against stupid memes, I like them, I’m just saying, stop pretending you are so busy.
Want to start living a better life? Just add some passion to it. It’s that simple.

And if you don’t know exactly what you’re passionate about, lean into the things that make you happy. Like REALLY happy. Start doing more things that get you juiced.

Passion is the secret sauce of life.

I hope there was something in here that resonated with you and is going to make you take action today. Take that first step. I know the first step is always the hardest, but after that, it’s like a snowball rolling down a hill.

We’ve got so many more solo episodes like this to come, but until then…

Be great, be grateful and we’ll see you on the next one for some more insight!

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