The Latest Episodes of INSIGHT with Chris Van Vliet
Oct. 25, 2024

Dominik Mysterio On Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley, Eddie Guerrero, His "Deadbeat Dad" Rey Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio On Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley, Eddie Guerrero, His "Deadbeat Dad" Rey Mysterio

Dominik Mysterio (@DomMysterio35) is a professional wrestler with WWE. He sits down with Chris Van Vliet at Circa Resort and Casino in Las Vegas to talk about WrestleMania 41 tickets going on sale, his recent love triangle with Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley, being the son of the legendary Rey Mysterio, his debut match against Seth Rollins at SummerSlam 2020, being CM Punk's first WWE match in 10 years, why he loves chicken tenders so much, his order at In-N-Out burger, being inspired by Eddie Guerrero, his epic mullet and much more!

Quote I'm thinking about: “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill


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On how things have changed in the past 4 years:

"I don't even remember the last interview we did. That's how long ago I feel like it was. Short hair, probably no mustache. Yeah, I don't know, a lot's changed just as far as confidence, ability to do things, just the ability to understand what's going on, what to do, how to do certain things, learning how to adapt, how to just be able to move on the fly, things like that, and just the help of everybody. Everyone's just been so helpful on this journey with me, and it's been nice."

On his debut being against Seth Rollins:

"It's definitely different than everyone else. I'm super thankful for the opportunities, because something like that doesn't come very often. I remember specifically my dad telling me he didn't think I was ready. I don't know if it was because he just had never seen me in the ring, I don't know what it was, but I knew that I wasn't going to get presented with another opportunity, at least like this. So I jumped on it right away."

On there being no fans for his debut match:

"I don't think it was difficult because I didn't know anything else. I never really did the indies. When I was training, whether it was at Lance’s or back home, I didn't have a crowd or anything. It was just the students there. So I didn't really know. Then before that, when I did have a crowd I was eight years old, doing it with Eddie. Even before that, I was 11 when I did the stuff with CM Punk. So, like, I didn't know anything different." 

On being CM Punk’s return opponent:

"Yeah, kind of crazy. I didn't expect it to be me, just because we have so much great talent right now, especially the roster we have today, Raw and SmackDown. But the fact that they trusted me to go in there with him on his first match back, like you said, after what, 10 years, I'm glad I was able to give him his first punch."

What did that match mean to you?

"It was special because I knew the company trusted me with things like that. I wasn't aware of of it until I kind of got pulled aside and was like, Hey, how do you feel about working CM Punk for the live events tour? And I was like, Bring it on, let's go. I was excited. I was ready for it because I knew it was another opportunity and another challenge for me so I was excited to cross another one off the list."

On his new looking having a resemblance to Eddie Guerrero:

"So I didn't think so, because originally I didn't think I looked like Eddie. But then once I started growing out the mullet, and there was a lot of side-by-side pictures of me and him, and then the mustache, it's kind of scary."

Does it make you question things?

"I question my mother all the time. Yeah like, I said, I don't know, my dad was gone all the time, that deadbeat, but the 90s was a wild time, you know? I don't know what happened. I just know I popped out and something happened." 

On when he thinks he earned respect from those in the back:

"I want to say, I could be totally wrong, they could all hate me, but I think it slowly started to happen when I went down to NXT and I was doing NXT, I was doing Raw, I was doing all the live events, and I was also doing SmackDown dark matches, occasionally SmackDown TV. So I was doing basically the old school schedule, which was five days a week, leave, Thursday, TV Friday, on the road Saturday, Sunday, Monday on Raw TV, Tuesday for NXT, and then I'm home Wednesday. So I think that got a lot of respect from the boys for me. I mean, I assume so, because they would see me everywhere, and they just look at me and be like, dude, do you not get a break? I'm like, I'm just here. But again, I could be wrong. They could all hate me. But I assume that's because, like I said, a lot of the boys would come up to me and be like, you got that old school schedule."

On the heavy boos from fans:

"Sometimes I just give up on the promos because I can't just sit there for two minutes and try and talk when they're not letting me. So it's just we have to move on. Whether it's to Finn or JD or Liv, I just got to look at them and be like you guys say something because they really don't let me talk."

Why do the fans hate you so much?

"Other than jealousy, because I'm good-looking, have the best hair, best mustache, basically breed champions, and I have the best Women's World Champion by my side Liv Morgan, of course. So I can understand why people are jealous. I don't get why they hate me. I've never done anything to them. They’re civilians."

On walking out of Rey Mysterio’s Hall of Fame speech:

"I haven't really talked to him, but I'm sure he's not too happy about it. [He's in the Hall of Fame] After what, 30 years? Took him long enough. I still don't think he was worthy of it. [The walkout] It was necessary, yeah, now that you bring it up, I do remember walking out, yeah, I think it was because I felt some type of way. I don't believe he deserved to be in the Hall of Fame, at least not yet. Once he loses to me and gives, gives up his mask and stuff, then maybe, but I have no say in it." 

On a possible mask vs. hair match:

"He would never, plus my hair is too luscious. I don’t know if it’s something he would consider.  I'd hate for him to have to show his ugly face to everyone again. I don't want to do that to the people. But at the same time, if it's the necessary evil that must be done, we’ll see."

On Michael Cole:

"Do you have a bleep button on this? F*ck Michael Cole! He is the most biased person I have ever met. He does nothing but absolutely trash on my name every time I get on TV. He does nothing but boo me, trash talk me. Even when I'm not there he talks bad about me. This man has done nothing but bash me, and I feel like I'm the best, but that is what it is. [What does he have against you?] I don't know. Again, he's probably jealous. He's losing his hair and I'm gaining it over here. I'd love a one on one with Michael. He's undefeated at WrestleMania. I'd love to slap around Michael Cole."

On at one point possibly wrestling under a mask:

"I believe it was just because I wanted to follow the tradition of classic Lucha Libre. Which was showing up, and when you debut, you're wearing a mask so you can protect and hide your identity. But I had a very different situation to where I was already out on TV by the time I was eight years old. Honestly, even before then, I've been seeing clips of me getting tagged in stuff from WCW days where I'm maybe three years old, so I'm getting tagged and stuff from back then. My face has just been around for years. So I think it was very different for me when the decision was like, Maybe let's not put a mask on him, because people already know who he is. I had been doing those backstage vignettes with my deadbeat dad, and then I did that whole stuff with Brock Lesnar. It's at Survivor Series, people already knew my face, so it didn't make sense to cover up this beautifulness, it would have been awful. Plus I actually don't want to say it, but I would not have done good with my whole face covered up, I feel like I would have been suffocated."

On who he was starstruck the most by:

"I remember I saw Sylvester Stallone at the Hall of Fame for WrestleMania 2021 and I was like, Damn, that's the dude from Rambo. Because I remember when I was at my grandma's house, I would sneak in her room and she'd be watching old Chuck Norris movies and Sylvester Stallone movies. So like, seeing something like that as a kid, I was like damn, that's pretty cool. And even Hulk Hogan too, because I'd never seen him [in real life], Big Show too, because these guys were just massive. So as a kid seeing them, I was always like, damn, these are some big ass dudes."

On being in the Bad Blood shark cage:

"I didn't know about the shark cage at Bad Blood. I didn't find out until maybe Friday, yeah, and the pay-per-view was Saturday. So, yeah, I was unaware of it."

On the fall from the cage:

"Well, it was supposed to keep me just in the cage. Yeah, it wasn't supposed to, I don't know what was supposed to go down, but that was supposed to just keep me in the cage so I didn't leave and, I didn't mess with the match or do anything. But yeah, it was definitely traumatizing. I was up there for a long time. Yeah, it was very surreal too, because I remember I would try to get up and just the movement of the cage, everything was just freaking crazy. Everyone was yelling things at me too, like I'm some caged animal. People are rude. But, yeah, it is what it is." 

On a possible match against John Cena:

"I've actually wrestled John in a dark match for SmackDown. But I would love to get my hands on Cena again. Yeah, I have some history there that I'd like to touch back with."

What was it like working with John Cena:

"I'm trying to find the right word for it. It was a surreal moment, because I grew up watching him, had his album, signed and everything. Again, big Cena guy too, growing up. Then, not only that, but when he came back the first time, when did the summer of Cena against Roman, I was along for the ride on that one. All the live events. I was tagging with my deadbeat and Cena against Roman and The Usos. It was me, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, against Roman and The Usos. So him being okay with me [being in the match], I shouldn't have been in that [or] in any of those matches leading into SummerSlam. In no way, shape or form should I have been in that ring with any of those guys, maybe my dad. But him being able to do that for me and just giving me his advice, going through 30 plus days of every week, just something different, and then flipping it around to where he's still in the same spot but now I'm the bad guy, and we got to work that one time. So I would definitely love to get back in the ring with him and mix it up." 

On issues with Pat McAfee:

"Two old bastards. You think Cole does it alone? Pat calls me dumb, dumb when he says it. I'd love to get in the ring with Pat. I don't think he has the balls to, but that's why he's sticking to announcing now, but whatever, if Pat wants it, he knows where I am."

On what his wife thinks to all this:

"She's cool with it surprisingly, yeah, she honestly been super cool. She's my ride-or-die. We've been together since we were 14. So as long as I let her know, hey, this is what's going to go down. She’s like alright, cool. She honestly never gives me a hard time. I've said it before, but when Rhea licked me that one time, and even after the kiss with Liv, her first text to me, because I always text her after a match or anything, like, Hey honey, just finished. All good, all safe, just so she knows. Usually she'll always text me back. Oh, okay, good, see you soon. Love you, whatever. But when that stuff happened, it was like, so now that we are out here in Vegas, she's like, Dude, I found a tarantula in the garage. I'm like, Well, did you kill it? She doesn't worry about stuff like that, and she's been with me for so long, she's my rock, she makes me a better person. So the fact that she's able to still put up with all of this and deal with the craziness of all of what I do, I'm truly a blessed man."

What is Dominik Mysterio grateful for?

“My faith, my wife and my health.”